Sunday, December 16, 2007


Now since the week has come to a close and we now enter the week where a heavily anticipated CD titled "THE COOL" drops. Not only would I like to say I received a legit copy two days prior to its original release date but this CD is amazing. It's not your typical HIP HOP album or at least what HIP HOP has become. It is a CD that I have to say is better than any other I've heard this year. Yes better than Graduation. The concept album that LUPE FIASCO has created is one that is well deserving of high reviews and remarks. It is sad that "THE COOL" is just the prequel to the LUPE's final CD ironically titled "LUPend". The wordplay, complex writing, witty hooks, sharp mind, etc. will all be gone. So I'm telling all those who can afford to buy CD's and those who respect the thought of purchasing CD's to support oppose to download, to go out there and purchase the ALBUM OF THE YEAR

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Thursday, December 13, 2007


Here is the first OFFICIAL BLOG I have ever created. Now people you are witnessing greatness and the forms it comes in are limited. There is GOD, Tiger Woods, and now ME. hahaha (yes I know I compared Tiger and Myself.) My main drive in creating a blog is to vent myself from time to time. And there is a whole lot of shit where I say wow that is so ROFL and sometimes where I say wow that is so not ROFL. (not really) Anyways I guess I'm known for randomly saying stupid shit which I purposely do at times just to up the mood. Like this one time not at band camp I said...


Anyways I will try to have weekly updates. If you don't like it well just click on something else